In a shocking turn of events, Indian cricketer Mayank Agarwal found himself in the ICU in Agartala after a peculiar incident unfolded during a flight. The ordeal began when Mayank reportedly drank water from a bottle placed in front of him, leading to immediate discomfort with itching in his throat and swelling of his lips. Mayank was promptly taken to the hospital and attended to by a team of doctors. While he is now out of imminent danger, the hospital has disclosed that he won’t be able to speak for one or two days due to ulcers and swelling in the mouth. The team’s manager has now shed light on the mysterious incident.
As per the Karnataka team manager, Mayank hurried to the restroom on the flight after experiencing an itching sensation in his throat, prompting the doctors to recommend immediate hospitalization.
We were about to take off, and Mayank felt thirsty. So, he drank water kept behind the seat pocket in front of his seat. After a few minutes, he realised that his throat was itching, and he felt the urge to vomit. Consequently, he rushed to the washroom near the cockpit and informed the air hostess,” explained Karnataka team manager Ramesh, as quoted by India Today.
“The air hostess immediately rang the emergency bell and checked if there was any doctor available on the flight. Unfortunately, there was no doctor, so the pilot was informed, and a message was sent to the airport authority. Doctors came to see him, and they said, ‘We can’t provide first aid here; he needs to be hospitalised.’ An ambulance arrived, and he was taken to the hospital.
Mayank was aboard an Indigo flight, scheduled to fly from Agartala to New Delhi when the incident transpired. The airline issued a statement, clarifying the situation.
IndiGo flight 6E 5177 operating from Agartala to Delhi returned to origin due to a medical emergency onboard. The passenger was off-loaded and was rushed to the hospital for further medical assistance. The aircraft took off again for its destination at 1620h,” read the airline’s statement.