In a surprising turn of events, the Indian cricket team’s star batsman, Virat Kohli, has opted out of the first two Tests in the upcoming five-match series against England, scheduled to commence on January 25, citing ‘personal reasons’. Despite no official statement providing details from either Kohli or the BCCI, speculations have arisen among cricket enthusiasts and on social media. The BCCI, in its official communication, urged media and fans to refrain from speculation and to respect Kohli’s privacy.
Prominent cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle took to social media to share his perspective on Kohli’s unexpected withdrawal from the two matches. Bhogle emphasized that if a fervent cricketer like Kohli chose to step away from Tests, the reason must be “deeply compelling.”
Bhogle’s post on X (formerly Twitter) reads, “If someone who is such an avid supporter of test cricket and so passionately loves playing for India chooses to miss two games, it must be a deeply compelling reason. So let us wish Virat Kohli well, hope this phase passes and that he returns happier.” Bhogle’s empathetic message conveys a sentiment of understanding and support for Kohli during this challenging time.