Dean Elgar, the former South Africa captain who recently retired from international cricket, has disclosed a startling incident from the Proteas’ tour of India in 2015. Elgar alleged that Virat Kohli, the former Indian captain, “spat” at him during the first Test of a four-match series in Mohali. This revelation comes from Kohli’s inaugural series as captain on home soil. Elgar further shared that he warned Kohli of physical repercussions if such an incident occurred again.
During the “Banter, with The Boys” podcast on Betway South Africa’s YouTube channel, Elgar recounted the incident, stating, “Those wickets were jokes. Like playing on that… that surface there. And I came into bat and I was actually holding my own against Ashwin and what’s his name, Jeja, Jeja, Jeja (Ravindra Jadeja) (smiles), and Kohli, he spat at me.
“I said to him if you do that, I’ll f*****g ***** you with this bat,” Elgar added, using a local profanity.
Responding to whether Kohli understood the profanity, Elgar mentioned, “Yes, he did because de Villiers was his teammate at RCB, so he understood. And I said if you do that, I’ll … on this field, I’ll absolutely knock you out.”
Elgar also revealed that Kohli apologized for his behavior a few years later during India’s tour of South Africa in 2017-18, where they shared drinks and resolved the issue.
In his final Test earlier this month against India at Newlands in Cape Town, Elgar captained South Africa, but India won the second Test, leveling the series 1-1.